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Sound of Silence / Zvok tišine

Zdelo se je, da travne bilke levo in desno ziba duh, ki z njih otresal kaplje rose. Kot valove, ki jih reže premec barke, sem najprej opazil upogibanje travnih bilk. Gladko, kot drsi jesenska megla nad barjansko ravnico, se je med stožci šašev in strašnic, šele nekaj vdihov kasneje, izrisala oranžna silhueta.

Leto dni in drobiž je že, kar sem zadjič užival v predstavi mojstrice lova. Kljub prenekaterim poizkusom, da bi se v prostoru in času vsaj za en klik zaslonke znašel pred njo, se ni zgodilo.

Bitje mojega srca, se je torej razumljivo slišalo, še vsaj na dosegu roke okoli mene, ali vsaj tako se mi je zdelo, ko sem se uspel prikriti za neuglednim kupčkom posušene trave na robu jarka. Um je pljučem prepovedoval močno potreben, globok vdih, ki bi s svojim zvokom zarezal v pregloboko v tišino tistega trenutka.

Z ostrino in povečavo objektiva sem se preselil v njeno bljižino. Zadnja stvar, ki jo je še zaznal moj razum je bila tišina. Ptice so se tesneje oprijele svojih tankih bilk in vejic in prekinile svoj jutranji napev. Zatem je moje srce steklo ob bok bliskovitega lovca.

It seemed as if a ghost was bending the long stems of grass, left to right. Droplets of morning dew fell to the ground, leaving a wake behind, like a bow of a boat in the sea of grass. Only then the orange shape started to appear in the midst of a meadow.

It has been a year and some change, since I was last privileged to have witnessed her grace. It was not from lack of trying however. They are not considered cunning for no reason.

Maybe that was why my heart was beating like a drum, as I lay down behind a small dried up shrub, for some cover. I had to get those images.

My mind stopped my lungs from gasping the much needed oxygen that was being burned up from all the adrenaline in my blood.

Through the magnification and sharpness of my lens, I have been transported closer to her, observing every slow and stealthy move as she prepared her attack and every lightning fast pounce as she went for the kill. Her head and tail dancing through the air in perfect balance. It was magic.

My last mindful thought was of silence. The birds discontinued their sweet morning melody in suspense. Next thing I knew, my heart was dancing along this master huntress.

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